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Premium Ceremonial grade organic matcha 100g

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Recommended by samurais

You are one click away from the secret Japanese tea, which was well kept from westerners for centuries.Samurais drank it before battle for mental alertness and clarity of the mind.Monks use it up to this day to be able to survive 8-hour meditation practices.Matcha is a powdered green tea, unique in its amazing benefits.Clarity of the mind, inspiration, increased metabolism for weight loss, longer and faster learning, uplifted mood and creativity.Can it really be so good?I dare you to try and experience the magic world of matcha yourself.

Matcha is a true antioxidant powerhouse. It eliminates toxins from your blood and lowers cholesterol levels. Mega-dose of cancer-fighting EGCg in every cup.

Boosts metabolism and helps to lose weight. One recent study even suggested that matcha may help burn calories by four times.

Forget brain fog. Matcha increases productivity and creativity. It gives a long-lasting concentration and calm state of mind. Inspiration, energy, focus.

Due to its detoxifying properties, matcha is very effective in reducing acne. It helps to decrease inflammation and kills the Acne bacteria.

Why you should never buy non-organic matcha

To cut costs and increase profits, most Matcha farmers use harmful pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers.

That’s why we only work with farmers that grow Matcha organically.

So you could consume 100% of the whole tea leaf and experience its benefits without damaging yourself with harmful residues.



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Matcha green tea is one of the great ways to increase metabolism. This tea goes well with lots of different diets. However, we recommend consulting with a certified dietician if you have problems with metabolism or struggle with obesity.

1g matcha contains approximately 35mg of caffeine, which is why it is best to consume matcha during the first half of the day. Due to the simultaneous presence of L-theanine, caffeine found within matcha powder is being released gradually, which guarantees a constant flow of concentration and doesn’t result in a sudden decrease in energy after a couple of hours. Its effect is most noticeable during the first 2 hours after matcha consumption.

Our Samurai‘s matcha is Premium Ceremonial grade, which means that Premium grade refers to a blend of first and second harvest green teas. Because it consists of at least some first harvest matcha, its flavor is milder (less bitter) and its color will be a richer green compared to other matchas. Also, you may hear: ceremonial, and ceremonial blends (both of them are pure ceremonial matcha, but slightly different, blended with premium culinary grade) There is also culinary grade which is divided into a premium, cafe, ingredient, kitchen, and classic. The main difference between Ceremonial and Culinary grades is that the Culinary, or food, grade is lower quality matcha tea. While you can drink this grade, it’s better not to since its strong and slightly bitter taste is intended to be combined with other ingredients used in food and beverage recipes. This lower-priced food grade will also smell like fresh grass and should have a soft feel to it. And while its green color isn’t as vibrant, it’s still fairly bright green.

It‘s hard to believe, but yes. Matcha and green tea deliver high amounts of polyphenols. Polyphenols – also known as antioxidants – are chemical compounds that reduce oxidation, which causes damage to the tissues and propels aging processes.

Several factors are constituting the final price for matcha. Such factors are demand, limited production, certification in Japan and Europe, transport, duties, the cost of production, and special packaging. Although a daily matcha cup costs approximately 40 cents, it‘s up to you to decide whether it‘s expensive.

The first try of matcha can remind of a taste of fish, grass, ocean, or seaweed. It is so due to the characteristic umami taste. For beginners we suggest buying Premium Ceremonial grade – it has less bitterness, slightly sweet. Another solution is to add plant-based milk to the matcha drink.

Yes! Matcha has lots of antioxidants and minerals. Of course, it‘s better not to overdose and drink responsibly because matcha has caffeine too.

We recommend matcha consumption within a max 1 year from opening, as after such time they may lose their color, flavor, and other properties.

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